Sunday, November 28, 2010

Say CHeese~~~~~!!!! xD

Say CHeeSe~~!!!!

Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaassssss~~!!!  Today goin for our dinner (with my family)^-^ ... Say CHeeSe~~!!
Hahahahaaaaass~!! LoL agaiN??! Finally I've tried the 6 kinds of CHEESE Pizza~!!! wOw~~!! Hahaaass~!! SUPERB damn NIce~! & DeLicious nEH~~~!!! Great Tasted! xD Ummmmmmmmm.... ~  Yummy~!!! wootsssss~!! ^-* & the most Happiness was could enjoy with my MOST Lovely & Dearest Parents~!! YeaH~~~ =D

PHotosss coming UP~~!!

This is reaL value set~!.. (for us=) ) & (set 1)

TaDa~~!! ^.^

Garlic Bread<3..^-^

Not BAD 的 BLackpaper Chicken wings~~ xD

WAITing 4 6CHEESEssssss Pizza~!!!!!!!!!! xD xD xD xD xD xD ummmmmmm~~~~ ^.^

....... waiting~........... waiting~..............waiting~..... ^~^

wOw~~~~~~!!!!!!!  XD HaHaHaHaHaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAA~!!! XD XD  LeI jorrrr larrr~!!! Wuahaa!!! XD

Try~ TRY~ try~!!!xQ  Eat~ EAT~ eaT~~!!!! xP

MORE & MORE & MoRE & MORE & MORE~!!!!! CHEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD 

Ummmmmmmm~~~~!!!! Hmmmmmmmm~~~!!!!!!  YYYYYUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYY~ <3<3<3
BOth of them(my Dearest Parents) also praise that REALLY ~!! & ~~!! XD

THankss GoD 4 blessing us have a GREAT Dinner & could with whole family the members of  (3) of us~!!! Can ENJOY TOGETHER~~~!!! XD ThankFUL MAN~~~!!! XD

Thursday, November 25, 2010


还是原来那个我 不过就是放不了手所以变愁
对着镜子我承诺 迟早我会换这张脸和硬着笑
不算什么.. 爱错就爱错.. 早知当初 又何必现在

就让我一个人 去面对  受不了 痛到 快崩溃
你真的没有真心打算过 回来
我就不相信我会笨到 等不到 赖着不放掉
我本来就寂寞的.. 不是我的就该还掉

还是原来那个你 是我真的做梦你有改变什么
再多谎言 也没用
会有什么? 什么都没有
早点看破 才看得见以后

就让我一个人 去痛到 受不了 伤到 快疯掉
我就不相信我会笨到 忘不了 赖着 不放掉
我总会把你解掉~ !

但这个是来自我自己的.. xP

now..~ or sometimes... maybe...?

This few days like...~ ? nobody do to write blog.. felt that.. nobody willing to share.. maybe?  I thk~? I don't knw..?~... busy~ no mood~ ... things like that... etc..etc..
I don't knw what I want to say~.. hah~.. xD
But something I'm gonna to tell.. I really feeling to... willing to...  start a relationship... really like he said?? (年纪越大......渴望爱几率越高)??! hahaaaassss~!! LOL.. ROFL....
HaH?~! BUT someting I'm gonna to expLain also~!! NoBody to persuit me ALSO~!! How I get start nEH??..  So~! Go persuit or Get persuit? go? says so cheap..=.=".. get? says nobody=.="...
anyway~ I thk just a short post here... & This few days the LINE really sucksss~!!!  DAMN slOw....................

Previous- Dear Baby Potato Mommy's Birthday

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Previous-Dear Baby Potato Mommy's Birthday xD

wOw~ ~ ~ ...
 今年的生日,她真的收获不少呀~!!! 哈哈..
她高兴死了~~!!!!.. 生日蛋糕都三个了,还加多一块Secret Recipe 的Resberry Cheese Cake tim~ ^-^..
hahaaa... sure是我买的啦>_^
京都= Cheese Cake
Jusco brand= Cheese Cake
Secret Recipe= Resberry Cheese Cake

WoW~~!!! NiCe nEH~??! xD
不过有遗憾的是有些没拍到...=( 啊~! 还有加姑婆他们RT's Operah Cake~!!! xD
总共吃了四种味道的蛋糕!!! 今年可以说是她最开心的生日!!! (她亲口告诉我的噢~!!! xD) 也看得出!! 也更带了她去吃{暖堝} 'steamboat' ^-^

Photossssss~ xD

haizz~ bad NEWS~!!
photos will be upload on the next day (or time), now the line REALLY sucKssssssss~~!! =.="

Monday, November 22, 2010


哎哟~!!! 最近都好多好多照片呐~..都不懂怎么post 怎么upload好~~
hahaaa.. 我的大梨要生日咯~~ ^-^ 我每次都没那么幸运地...~ 能和他一起庆祝... .. :'(

回来了...~ 昨晚真的好像是一场梦~~~!!! =D..
怎么搞哒??! 通通都好不真实.. 好像幻想一样=)
不过最开心的都是能够见回超多的老好友~!!! xD XD
这是最开心不过的事了!! =) 他们一样地~... 对我总是那么的热情...~! hahahaaaassssssss~~~...

waiting 4 upload & post...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

celebration~ WoW...=D

THe Early celebration~.. =D
A Nice & WonderFUL day...
HaPPy Birthday to mY Dear Baby Potato Mommy~~~~!!!!! MuackkkssssSSS<3
HahahaaaassssssssS...... ... . ~

I bought a cheese cake as the present to my Dear Baby Potato Mommy. Because it's her favorite~!! XD..haaa.. She's very haPPy today.. I'm really glad that, she'll very happy today~ ThankssS GoD!! She'll enjoy for it..~! =D

SHoW TimE~~~ haaasss...~ XD

CHeeese cakeeeee~~~ *da lang~~~

切蛋糕咯~~~...!!! =D... yea~~



mum mum liao~~ xP... yiiiiiiiiii.....~~ hheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeE....~ xD

MuacckkssssSS~~ ^-* My Dear Baby Potato Mommy-iiiiiiii.... ~~ XD

yeaaaaahhhH~~~~!!! CAKEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... <3 <3 <3 ^-*  =D XD

HahaaaaaaassssS~~~~~... =P
THe  Latest mE...... xD xP  [a  LoT  tim]

THanksssS 4 watcHinG nEH~~!!! ^-*

Saturday, November 13, 2010

19.11.08 - & you

Our Favorite's song... [I only know that]...

I've  told our story many times already actually.. But now I'm still talking about it~ Why did I become like this???..! Yea..~ I admit it..! I've been missing you a little bit..(afraid admit the [more/ a lots/ vry much]) But i'll find a better way..To solve!  I want to get rid of it~!! I don't want to be the same~ same as like last time..! GET OVER IT~!!
but my mind... the memories.. all the memories... Keep flasHing back...  there was me & you.. only me & you.. me & you...
Back to November
How's life, tell me how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while
you've been good, busier than ever
we don't have anymore talks
your guard is up & I know why
Because the last time you saw me is still burned in the back of your mind
[Because the last time I saw you is still burned in the back of my mind]
saying I'm sorry for that night [19.11.08]
And I go back to November all the time
wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine..[sometimes NOT mine at all]
I'd go back to November, turn around and make it alright..[if I get back the chance & can choose again : I won't start this relationship] cause 我没后悔过去爱,但我后悔去开始..
stayin'up.. playin'back.. myself leaving
when you birthday passed I didn't call~
And I think about last time all the beautiful times.. I watched you laughing from the side of me & realized I loved you in the fall... And then the cold came back, the dark days when fear crept into my mind..
I gave you all Love and all you gave me was GoodBye..
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you..
[19.11.08] I'd go back to November, turn around and change my own mind...
To STOP myself~! [If  I didn't start, all the hurt & harm won't upon YOU] I don't want to...

Cause I don't want to hurt YOU anymore!

Back to November = Taylor Swift - Back to December

Thursday, November 11, 2010


To~ All of my BeLOved FriendssssS~!!<3

Thankyou for your visit! Thankyou for all the greetings.!. {Gift} Apple~ Popcorn~ Pudding~ Saliva~ Eyesight~ Joke~ Sweat~ Smell~ & a LoT a LoT of  things~ XD haaaA.... I was really touched,you coming! May GoD's blessings upon you~ SweeT Night~ ^-*

My BeLOved FriendsssS~~~~

Pui Yin, Wen Qi

Ting Ting Thong

I only found this=.='..  haaaa..~
Josh Wong

Pei Pei Thong

my piggy Master~ wuahahahahahaaaaaaaaa~~!!!
Joel Wong ^@^

7~ just now the number of them ^-^  That's my Lucky number~ xP.. I love this number too~.. Ei~?? YuP~!! Less onE~!!! Wei Ling~!! Because everytime when I want to take photos with her.. she also Escape~!!!! MaD at me~!! {气死我了!} next time she CANNOT escape it~!! >_^ hahaaaa... XD..  I damn miss them nOw~~<3 hahaaa.. cause they just left...=(..    =)  But really ToucHinG~~.. they all suddenly appear^-^   they're making the atmosphere unlimited FUN~XD They've left a Lot of  happiness to me=) THankyou~!  haa.. Pei Pei keep asking me to eat&try her作品[pudding].. hahaaA...she soo cutE~! yea~!!=D  That's really sweet in my heart~ ^-^ & it's NICE~!!  ReaLLy noT bad~!! =P~  *Yummy~ haaa..

Her作品<3 ^-*.. ummm~ *Yummy~~ & looks beautifuL nEH~~!
& just finished the popcorn XD [with my Dear Baby Potato Mommy] heheheee... .. .  All of My BeLOved FriendssS..~ ^-*
Thankyou for youR companionship~~!!!!!  I almost be the Mushroom GirL already larr~~~ T~T 我熬到可以生东菇jorrr~~!!!.. T~T  NoT allowed outside~...=(  Aiyerrr~~ ALL of them sooooooo bad also~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow They will be goin for movie~!!!! MoviE~~~~~ MOVIE~!!! MoViE~!!!????????? moviEEEE~~~  TOMORROW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ArghhhhhHHH~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tooooooooooooooo cruel for mE~~~!!!!  T~T    T-T    = '(................ .... .. .          
 My MEGAminD~ wuwuwuw....~  They're VRY gooooood........................ can go for movie~~!! MoviE!!!!        {MoviE}  mY FAVORITE er...!........................ ......... ..  .       :'(           I've been sooooooooooooooooooooo long didn't enter to cinema jorr..~ T.T... er.... ............................... ......... .. .     you  know deeeee......... .. ~

SaD........ ~.... poor meeeeeeeeeeeee...... ... .

BuT anyWAY =D THankssS a lot~!! yoU guys~.... <3


 Haaaaa~~!!. Finally~! I've told my mom about the {secret}.. Nothing at aLL~! Felt more comfortable!XD YeaH~~....!!! I almost could not sleep last night. Also almost cried out... haa..~ The weirdo...xP  ooO~ how bad..!? Because this thing makes me feel very uneasy, overall mood is very bad! I worry because I'm afraid.. I'm afraid if mom knew would be very sad after.. But, haaa... Fortunately my mom did NOT~!! haa.. I'm glad she doesn't not happy..~! & she is comforted me..~! THankssS a LoT~~~~!!! My Dear Baby Potato Mommy=P =) XD..
L8ter all of my beLoved friend will come & visit me~!!! HoW greatFUL MAN~!? Excited For It! & expecting nEH~

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I am in the end what happened??! THe MOST stupid me!!! THe MOST crazy me!!! WHAT I've done??? Who can help me?! NO ONE!!! O~!! GOD!! I need you NOW!!! I recently how it? Have been thinking about those thing..... I know all of this is impossible, I also made some wrong things.. WHAT I've done?!!... I really hope these things will not be exposed, hope has been secret... I have been repeating the same mistakes!! This time, I cannot say it~!! {means} I don't dare to tell my mom already.. I know.. this time must be let her down... What should I to do with?? How to do? How to do? How to do?... .. . Today something happened that should not be.. poor me.. keep thinking about ***.. How should I do?.. recently also like that.. recently been cranky... keep cranky-ing...~.. 

& I rediscovered back!!!!  O GOSH!!..


 This my new drug. For my wound. The last has finished.. still for the infection, but added one more for the complement of bone. Recently just nothing to do.. JUST medicine ...medicine.....medicine.....medicine..~ Haizz..~ nothing at all..

The red 1 is the complement of bone. But nowadays, after each took the pills, stomach will pain...

Monday, November 8, 2010


I have said about our story before. I never thought that, this picture could be found back... I thought everything about us was LOST..  There is a picture..But..~ I think that's really lost..! This picture, we haven't begun yet..=) Haa.. when I saw back this picture, I felt that I'm so young~little or what.. (??) Y?? cz At that time, I only 14years old~.. How small I am...XD =P haa.. . Yea~ really! I admit it..! At that time, I was really capricious!! I never thought the consequences.. I was very NOT obedient.. violation of my parents.. Because, at that time..{He} can be said was the person the most I love.. almost~ aLmost~.... ! I could love him more than anything..everything..~!!  But, I know this is wrong..!! I can't be like that.. I have to control.. I must control myself..! In order to him, I've done a lot of wrong thing, wrong decision... BuT, all that I can say~  At that time, I really Love him~!.. I truly love him..with my true heart..~ I have no any complaints.. because I don't want to... I only know that.. Love is patient, Love is inclusive, Love is selfless, Love is unconditional.. Although I am still jealous[means 吃醋(eating vinegar)].. when he was ambiguous-ing with many girls.. doubtFUL....  However, we had a very happy time, although it was only a very short moment...~... .. . may be at that time, for me, already feel happy enough..for a whole day.. although keep crying at everynight.. Haa.. was so funny~ At that time,... . I still love you.. VerY..
UNTIL....~ I know yoU betrayed me.. and the others girls together..
I was willing to let go & used almost more than half years to give up..

Saturday, November 6, 2010

as ever & recently

不过~ 还有2个礼拜的药(新的)还没开始吃...

很痛~!! 老实说真的很痛..因为我的骨肿了也发炎了... 为什么这么久了..都没有好过吗?? 有~ 一点点... 因为我已经看了三个医生.. 前两个看不到我的骨出了问题..=.=" teruknya~!!..  到现在还很痛咧~!!!  总之不能走动多,不能坐多,不能睡多就对了..~  [不包括睡觉时间]^-* 
是的... 整天在家...  无聊??... 还好...=)  但~!!! 最身痒的就是没得出街啊~!!! 没得gai gai... = '(.. 5555~...  我会继续updated我得吃的药=)..

PiC again...

躺着..得空没事做... =P
xP... 解闷下...~

算是Latest mE~ xP

THankssS 4 watcHing~ ^-*