Saturday, May 21, 2011

IsHHH~~~!!!! Why???

Ish~! I hate to see your photo~!
Ish~! I hate to see your face~!
Ish~! I hate to hear your voice~!
Ish~! I hate to get closer with you~!
Ish~! I hate to face to face with you~!
Ish~! I hate to have to suppress my own emotions~!
Ish~! I must be suppressed~!

I know I must be suppressed all of my emotions, my feelings, my conversation, my expression & etc etc*
& I had to control my sight! My sight just always looking at you. I had to pay attention to you.
Just don't know why!!!

Ain't you not good, that cause reason is you so good.

{The Reason whY}

♥I'm telling the truth~!♥

I like your SmiLe~
I like your ViBe~
I like your STyLe~

BUT That's noT why I LOVE yoU~!
AnD I, I like the WaY~ You searcH a STARrrr~~
BUT That's noT whY I LOVE yoU~!

Do you Feel?~
Do you feel mE??
Do you feel WHAT I feel toO~?

Do yoU need?~
Do yoU neeD mE??
Do you nEED me....

BUT That's noT whY I LOVE yoU!
I'M noT SuRe yoU knOW, That THE reason I LOVE yoU~~
IS yoU!~   beING yoU!~                 JUST yoU!~

Yeaaaa~ The reaSoN I LOVE yoU~! Is all that we've been through, AnD that's whY I LOVE yoU♥

I like the way you misbeHave, when we get wasteD~ BUT that's noT whY I LOVE yoU~!
And HoW you keep Your CooL~, WHEN I aM complicateD..~!  (This is what I Appreciate, when I really need you at the moment.) BUT that's noT whY I LOVE yoU~!

Do you Feel?~
Do you feel mE??
Do you feel WHAT I feel toO~?

Do yoU need?~
Do yoU neeD mE??
Do you nEED me....

BUT That's noT whY I LOVE yoU!
I'M noT SuRe yoU knOW, That THE reason I LOVE yoU~~
IS yoU!~   beING yoU!~                 JUST yoU!~

Yeaaaa~ The reaSoN I LOVE yoU~! Is all that we've been through, AnD that's whY I LOVE yoU♥

Even though WEEE didn't make it through, BuT I aM always here For yoU~!

Hahaha... I know you don't know I'm talking about yoU~!
I'm suRE~ xD
Although I know this is not love 1st , But I'm sure I like you..

That's Y I hate~!
just scare to can't controL. XDD