Although in this year{2011} I've tried to work... but end up I've fAILED all the job..
I think I'll be BOSS someday~~~ Hmmm~ ^-* Cause I HATE 打工仔, I always thinking Y I work so hard for u?! & What I've earn ALL the money also not MINE??? This is UNFAIR.. Sorry if I my word offend u jor~ xD
All I wanna says is This is mE, not means u also like that~ Evryone also different~ ^-^
& this year I've been thru a lot problems!! Of course I've been thru a lots of happened as well!
In this year suddenlly many guys were pursue me...*shy shy* ahaaaa...
But I will treat these as... hmmm... I dont knw what to say..><
Cause all of these I believes that God were taught me a lot of lessons~..
& I also trusted on myself I can go thru~ ^-^ Cause Jesus He's never leave me ALONE!! & I gone thru already!
虽然经历了许多, 可是我觉得我的生命更加的值~!
这样的人生很~..... AMAZING~!!! XD ahahahaaaa. . . . .
虽然我经历的不是你们可以想象到的, 一字一句都无法说完.. 更何况你们也不一定会明白我所发生的一切, 所经历的一切..
但我最骄傲的是! 我妈咪比我还要了解这些process~ 真的除了上帝以外就是她了
而且她很够力, 因为每次这些大场面都是她挺身而出地帮我解决, 我担忧, 教导我, 许多都因为她在我身边...
在这段日子里, 我承受的压力不是你们表面能够看得出... 而且我相信我不是最惨那个!!*加油
我见识到 *人* 有多~~~~。。。。 所以! 我们的确是罪人!
但! 神也是信实公义的! 不要浪费白白得来的机会和救恩
还有.... 我真的不懂怎么形容他们...
不过我还是一样会尊重他们, 你们是长辈你们要这样做一定有你的理由!
可是! 有很多事不是单看表面! 凡事都有两面, 为什么你们就不看清楚那一面呢?
为什么你们要这样做? 我是真的用心对你们, 虽然我们没见过面可是...
尽管你们多不喜欢我, 可以直接说... 不要再做这么多小动作...
如果我是那孩子, 知道最信任的亲人用这种手段还说出不属实的话... 我真的伤透了心...
我很珍惜这段感情, 不只是以前 现在还是... 无论怎样 这段友谊我是会设法地去保留和保护.!
& that's why I won't post a lot that what target what thgs what else that I'll gonna reach it. I just hoping 2012 will be a better year~
Although every time I knew what I've done also is a wrong decision, but I'm not going to give this up.
& Tomorrow I'll turn to 18yrs old = =
yES I knw! I'm aging !!! ><
I Love the memories~~
Even I've watched TWICE, But It's not ENOUGH for me~xD
see U next year~xD
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