From NOW On~~
I'll STOP all the annoying things & happens~!!!
I hate myself keep makes annoying!!
I'm sooooo sorry to all of my Beloved Friends~..
& except my beloved friends..
about my own problem~
I 'll get rid of It~!!
I'll make SURE~! =D I won't posted all the NONSENSE post..^-^\/
& I know this time is the LaST time I've posted all these bOrED post~! ^-*
(especially on FB..I knw my childish things always posting & posting on the waLL~ BUT except my bloggiiee~! xD Because here was my Blog (MINE)<3 ^-^\/, I can rant & I can vent whatever what I want to..!~ ^-*)
Apologise to those who have or would view my Precious Bloggiieee<3
Cause my annoying thingys or my rant or venting at here that time & that makes you feel I'm childish or naive..WhatEver~
You can just Ignore me^-^\/
& my BROKEN english toO..~!!!
Maybe my emotions, my expressions, my attitude, & etc etc~~
make you misunderstanding or wHAT~??!
BUT I've No anY feelingssss^-^
NO more... We'd end^-^
So~ Nothing on us at ALL~ ^-^
& So~ I didn't means on you & saying anythings to you~
Ok then~ sorry^-^\/ (If I was makes you misunderstanding at all the time)
GooDBye to all the NONSENSE