Friday, September 24, 2010

HaaHaaaaa~ GooD NeWs 4 mE~!!!

WHAT GooD NeWs??!!

FiNaLLy, I've goT my CurLy HaiR JoRrrrrRrrr~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! WoW~~
hahaaaaa... I reaLLy excited 4 it!!
I'm crazier abouT CurLy hair...xD
& I WaNNa teLL yoU here.
ALL of my piCtuRe is without any edited!!!~..

coZ... I don't kNw how to edit...=P Tat's y~~~
haahaahaaaa.... .. .
Umm..~  & of course less makeup toO.

New HaiR~!!! MuackssS~

I not only changed my bLog styLe, I changed my hair styLe as weLL~!!! Damn EXCITED~ XD
I really like to transform. WoW~ Damn cooL~~ This time is my third time to perm my hair=D Because, I damn like CurLy HaiR xD.. Therefore, I'll always =Pbother=P my Dear Baby Potato Mommi to help me to perm my hair xD..HAAHAAHaaaaa~!!!! Although she does get angry sometimes, BUT she still would help mE~!  I'mTouches neH...~  (n.n)cause she ReaLLy ReaLLy Love Dearly mE(n.n) Dear Baby Potato Mommi~!!! Muacks Muackss MuackssS~! { Sak Sai Nei arH~!! } This time is bigger curl, the last few time curl also more smaller =) Everytime I also Like~! But the most I LIKE & I want also is this timE ~ BeCause, I like the Big CurL~~~ ^-*

Now I'm gonna  SHOW  you..

                             This is my 1st time~... =) only14 years oLD xP

                         This is my 2nd time~... =) only15 years oLD xP

3rd time~ yea~! NoW..Here is my New LooK xD HaaHaaHaaaa....~

^-* Now I'll show you A LoT A LoT of mE & my piCtuRe..~ (n.n)
paiseh paiseh ...xP

the 1st pic=)


trying to take photo with the mirror...


coming up~...

THE Latest C.Lover 

(n.n) Finish...^-* ThankssS 4 watchinG~