Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Last Night.. The sadness.. The coldness Night..

Last night...  Hah....   yeap~.. can't says that was to be abandoned..
cz it's said by myself, that I want to leave first..
cannot Blame on others..

BuT, 7 ppl in one Car..~ How?
Later give block..How? or How abt the saman??
ok~ you won't afraid of.. BuT I WiLL..~
FACTS: nowadays all the police are no longer ago..!
If  they ask us to came down the car..? what they do the next??! no one knws~!(all of us still just a teenager. We can't do anythg, did you think that before?) 
MOST Important that was you.. I don't want to make you incur any problems, any happens..
you just get a driver's license only..
I knw there might be problems, If it is blocked?!..
you never experienced something before, that's why you won't treat that's a serious thing..
& that's why too... I leave..
& without left any explain... To you..
(umm...& I think..when I'm leavin you that moment.. you'll feelin happy right?..haa..cz annoyin ppl gone..)

& I decided to many things..
Let's less to talk.. I think this should be the good way for us or for you was the best choice too.. Oppsss~ SoRRY~~  It's better than for my own good..
& except blog, plurk I'll continued to play.. the others..I'll less ON..~
& The Last thing: I knw I scared you, last night.. haa.. I think yesterday already enough scared for you.. In Fact, still got others will be going for the movie too.. actually you no need soooo afraid of.. Hah~.. yeap.. I also knw I'm the 1 who non of your type.. [Cz.. (ME) NoT enough pretty, NoT enough clever, NoT enough slim, & NOT enough the all that you want too..] I'm sayin sorry to you here.. These time, I had bother you a lot..
BUT, explain too.. I really doesn't mean that.. &Yes!! Last blog I've said before..我怕我会把你吓跑了,..Hah~ 现在我成功地把你吓跑了.. at least.. you run..=) RUN Babe RUN, Don't ever look back.~!
mayb, today is my last day ON fb..=) mayb~...mayb~...
& I'm telling you here..~ Hate Misunderstanding, Hate Lies, Hate False, Hate to be Rejected, Hate to Brag..

STOP keep misUNDERSTANDing me

Monday, December 20, 2010


为什么你会伤心? 你到底为什么而伤心呢??
我竟然很想,很想知道... 为什么..

还是..还是........ 是和我有关的...? 伤心因为是知道了我这样?或我这样地..而是..烦到你...??!

为什么我这样地不争气!!? 竟然去关注你的事!?

但,我相信我很快就可以放得开!! =D =D =D

Sunday, December 19, 2010


到了现在.. 我还是未能完全做得到..

但!我会很努力很尽量地去...解掉...  对你的一切..

到了现在.. 你买的... 我..

这几天都连续地见面.. 可是我觉得今天是我最成功的一天!!~ 因为我没有很明显或一直都要粘着你..[虽然在妈妈的面前失败了(因为一直提着你的名字)也因为我靠着上头来的和加自己的耐力去顶着一切的奢望]

我会硬着头皮地去面对现实~! =)

Saturday, December 18, 2010


All the things are Done & All the things are Finished..
I'll  STOP thinking about you..
I won't let myself to keep missing you..[as I can]..~



高恩琪醒醒吧~! 成熟点吧~!

Bye Bye...



我不可否认  ..对你没有好感..




Umm..~ 自然就对了.. 就当没事..^-^



是,... 我只会'敢'当你是我普普通通的朋友...



我真的不想!! 更不敢表露出来..



因为当我的眼目...正在注视着他时....被他妈妈看见了!!!~~ (@~@)

羞羞了啦....~~~~~~~~~!!!  XD






我们之间的   友谊 ~!

所以,这几次我都没posted在网上说我已经updated了... 免得更多人知道..

但! 若不是有女朋友就是有了心仪的对象..
或..你当我真的多疑了吧.... =D

Thursday, December 16, 2010

NoT a Dream~!!

Taday was a Fairy Tales?? Hahaaa.. something which is like tat..xD cz Today wasn't a DREAM~!!! How excited I am MAN??!~
& Did you knw?? & Did you can be imagine this?? Both of us was keep thinking of the same thingsss~~ & almost all the SAME?? O GoSH~?? [many ways]^-* & when we having conversation tat time, we talk/chat was soooooooooo Naturally already..~ ~!!! not lik last time.. 1 time better than 1 time tim^-^ improved a lot~ so good~ ^-^ for friendship also can what?? XD   enough for Happy Happy jor..~ =)
I'm really glad tat you really willing to share with me..about your thgs or anythgs else~ It is improved a loT?? hahaaa.. Better jor~^-^
How Come?? xP~
CooL~~~ MAN!!!!! XD XD XD
& I'm Loving it.. & SURE keep missing on tat time..tat we were together..
ALTHOUGH it was only few hours, bUT for me.. already enough to represented 一生一世....

I wondering... why both of us can done the same things, thinking of the same matters, wanted the same things, think of the same way...etc..etc..~ ^-^ 

I love the few hours..
I'll miss the few hours all the time..
I won't show you the way I want.. Or I L***...

Because, {You take me away from sadness, When we're together} or you just stay with me.. or just stayin bsid of me..already enough 4 me.. to stay happy whole day... few hours....few days...few weeks... few months... few years..

I willing to pray for you..with non-stop..
I saw you.. nervous.. until...
yes~ I'll worry about you.. That's why.. I'll always pray for you..
Press on Jesus ya~!! Let's go for Jesus~!! =D

& I really THankFUL to GoD~~~!! Today wasn't a DREaM~!! It's reaL~ =D xD

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just a Dream

Last night, I had a big..nop it was a GreaT dream to mE~!! Cz~~~!!! I dream about hIM!! Both of  us sitting in the car..He was fetching me.. Like we were going to somewhere... & after tat.. He was parking.. i still can remember clearly..Tat's was a night.. I saw HIS face..even through the darkness.. even through the reflection of HIS glasses... I still could make it clear in my mind~ in my brain~... This dream make me missing hIM so MUCH~~!!! How could I stay away out of this situation..??!
I'm trying so hard...
& I'm gonna to see you AGAIN~!!! XD
don't knw how to express the feels~ Don't knw want to b Happy or Sad....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Recently~ photosss..xD

Just a simple 1st~ ^-^ 陆续有来~!!

Hahaaa.. MBO cinema[Texco Kepong Village Mall] with Family.. went 4 MOVIE..xD

yES~!! RapunzeL<3<3<3 BesT larr~~!!! XD XD

another Day~ The Christmas Feelssssssssssss.... Midvalley..  =D

Enjoy with Baskin Robbins<3 ^-^ YUMMY!!!!

 Haa~! FINISH jorr~ =O.. ^-*

another Day~ Christmas's gift sending me by My YiYi & GuPo~<3 ^-* & They(gift) are flyin with airplane bfore nEH~~ They are came from KOREA~!! XD XD

Hahahaaaa NiCE Babesssssss~!!! XD XD Thankss 4 Watching~~!!
Prefect compensation Right??~! ^-* cz I had a long time for didn't UPDATED dy right?.. Tat's y~ Hope you Like it~!! xD


今天对我来说根本就不是什么大件事,可是对最近一直考试的buddies<3就是Great Day ba~ ??
The Last Day of their exam..xD sO? excited一下咯^-^  我不懂的'他'会怎么样了呢?.. 这几天我都一直地为他祷告..希望他的成绩会得到'他'自己和他妈妈{满意}的成绩.. 其实最担心的都不是他的成绩..而是为他的心情和情绪担心..所以我都不停地为考着试的buddies祷告..! 我才是希望他的情绪会被放松些下来,虽我自己知道这是不可能的事..对考着试的buddies来说(那有可能不紧张呢?!~).. 我祷告: 他的身体不会被影响到会生病更是不会失眠等..~ 心情平伏的.. 我不想他的心会过意或过分地担心~! 压力!! 这是他的压力..我求神会替他分担!.. 所以今天我的心情也会跟着松些因为知道今天是他们的最后的一天.. 我更希望他会没事而顺利完成!!~ 我知道他是,也会!! 我更知道这些都是我自己过于也多余地担心!! 因为都完全不关我的事..只是我自己多心.. 但,!我非常地希望神会垂听我的祷告.. 我只希望我的祷告对'他'来说会有用..

知道吗?~.. 我都哭着..求着自己也祷告着地求着神..! 我不希望..真的不希望我会连累到别人更是不想再继续这样子.. 是不是就是一定要经历这些呢?? 我玩不起啊~~! 人家更加不可能! 他大有前途而且人家没说过对你有意思!! 很多时候,我都叫自己劝自己说:不要再想念..我是不是很不成熟,为什么要这样子?! 不要再怎么任性了~!! 不要再想'他'了.. 可是..有时我真的做不到..
祷告咯~ 唯有祷告可以帮助到.. 我尝试着.. 很努力地尝试着不去打扰他.. 因为知道人家不像我,只会想这些不成熟的事..! 他很有未来..! 他对他的家人很有责任,也责任重大~! 所以他才怎么地有压力.. 所以我更不希望我是他的阻碍!! 虽然有时..有时..还会麻烦了你一下.... 希望得到你的原谅~!!... 我真的..真的.. 不会再做任何更明显或麻烦到你的事去烦你去阻碍你.. 因为你自己的东西和学业已经够烦了... 所以: 我好想你会安心!凡有关联你的事情我都常在心..{也藏在心}

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

my Saturday

上个星期六,我病得有够超严重的~ ~... =.='  
在早餐过后... 早餐时,我和Dear Baby Potato Mommy 一起吃回昨晚(last night Friday)拿回来的食物.. 1st~ 不想浪费食物.. 2nd~ 有多感谢神? 有祝福~ xP~ 因为after(团契/小组)我们都会一起吃东西,谈天的.. 所以咯~ 吃不完就打包咯.. [幸运]了咯~~ 因为明早又可以省一餐了...  3rd~ 在昨晚时(Friday night)已经吃了很多..很多...很多... xP~~!! paiSEH nEH~~~!!.. 其实是这样的啦~ Aaron买了一个cake( Pandan 1~~!! xP~) [sure not 4 mE larr] 但,~!已经有了两个各也是pandan的cake...=.=" sorry 4 that~ CakE... I can't CONTROLL myself....xD Hahhaha... 我吃了大片的大蛋糕 & +...+..+ 很多很多食物..因为每次的当晚都像个大[食/吃]会..I think~ just 4 me gua~ hahahaa..xP~ ..
then~.. 第二早和Dear Baby Potato Mommy就一起吃回咖哩,,,泰式豆腐,,,炒饭,,,,炒伊面,,,,gardenia面包,,,然后,,,都应该没有了.. ok~ 长话短说:

第一餐过后: 感觉有点不妥..就睡一会儿... 通常平时睡睡下都会感觉不是很舒服then~再继续睡..过后就会没事的..~ 可是,,,,,,, 这次不行了.. 还是很不舒服~!!!!!
然后:~ 就开始泻了~..一两次后..以为回去睡了也就会没事的..~ 结果胃痛了~~~!!!!!! XC.. arghhhhhHHHHHH~~~!!!!! 睡不work jorrr~~ (我最不喜欢就呕吐~!!!! 讨厌得~~厉害!! 因为我每次呕吐得都......~ =.=') 辛苦到~~~~~ 然后过一定会发烧~!! 啊~!!!! [过后就发了噢~~ "-" '] 还没完啊~~~ 因为我不想呕了也以为可以了就回去休息..(不幸运地当天我的Dear Baby Potato Mommy忙得很..没什么时间理我) 但,她都还是泡了一杯热腾腾的milo给我暖胃^-^.. 她就是那么的照顾我~~<3 heee..^.^ ( 当晚的晚上她差不多都没睡呢~!!!! 别忘记当天做工做得超累整身痛得~~.. ='(.. 但,~!她依然没停止过地照顾我噢~~~<3 ^-*哦妈咪~~~ T~T[不用说; Sek Sai Nei 就是了XD]) 结果milo过后还是得回去继续呕过~~ +.+"  haihzzzzzz Z~  喷得有够''的....... '+.+'  Then~? 又泻过咯~ ~ ~.. 发高烧来了~! 烧得我... (骨头痛得~~+腰骨痛得~~+脚痛得~~+晕得~~+胃痛得~~+头痛得) 不过都非常地感谢神啊~~!!! 因为这次酱严重眼睛都没敏感耶~ ~ ~!!!! XD   wOw~~~!!! ^-^ 不然晚上一定折息而死~ ~.. 因为敏感起来都是很难很难呼吸的...~ T.T   还半夜两三点多忍不住去看医生了~ ~.. 大概当天就是这样了~~..=).. 到了今天算不错了~^-^ 昨天都蛮okok 的咯..

但脚还是不听话... 不甘愿好起来... XC X(  ='( x'(