Saturday, August 28, 2010

不成熟的时候 - 的我.

{} 有不成熟的时候.. 可以说是很不成熟..~! 其实..其实...其实...!! 我真的真的很想拍拖. 开始另一段更快乐更幸福与被爱的感情.. 看到身边的朋友一双一对的..[不是别人有,我又想有]只是羡慕和替他们幸福~^-*.. 可能由小到大都是自己一个人,虽然我有个好妈咪陪伴我长大..但是她是我的至爱[亲情].而不是[爱情]..不一样的...~!... 是~..老土的我是等待着上帝的祝福 : 因为是祂拣选的,是祂所赐和祂所喜悦的会不一样~!..自己已经领教过了!!不会再乱来  ~!!!..所以我一直都很谨醒,时常都会提醒着自己别乱来..感情不是开玩笑!更加不是玩玩下! 是会伤害到人..不只是自己! 爱你的人,关心你的人..也是伤害了对方.. 有很多时候,我都觉得自己很好笑..很容易对人有好感,但总是分不清...有够多不成熟?!? @~@.. 所以我会告诉自己这不是时候.... .. 真的哦~!.. 我都知道..因为现在的我就算真的给我开始了一段新的恋情,我恐怕我是handle不到的.. 根本都还没做好自己~!自己都还没能照顾得好,那来能照顾好另一个呢~?? (这已经是最基本道理的而已) 而且这段时期的我们都还有很多的{少爷}VS{小姐}脾气..几时才来永远??! 另一伴将会是陪我们到一辈子的人..好还是坏你都得要和他/她到白头到老..~唉~~ 急不来... 所以我的结论 : 都是等待和做最实际的行动[祷告] =P 我不管现在心里对你有那么的好感,我都只会祷告与等.. 因为我怕是我自己的一时冲动, 到最后.....都伤害了双方.......
这就是我所谓的{少女心事} haa..(paiseh paiseh neH~)^-^ ... 我时常都会在烦的就是这些... 所以我会说不成熟的时候和是不是这个时期总是会经历这些...=) 正常吧~?? XD.. 每个人都会有每个人不同与精彩的历史和故事,经历等..... 但我都是非常地欣赏.. 这才是人生~

Hachiko - A DoG SToRY

How great the touching this moviE~!!! {HACHIKO} - A DoG Story
I can't.. I can't sToP control & keep droping tears.. when I watching this video..just a short video actually.. But already enough to touched~... .. .

Based on the the reaL story... which occured in Japan in the 20-ies. Dog every day followed and met his master at the station... Then the owner died suddenly, but the dog for 9 years every day at 5 o'cLock came to the station to meet the owner and waited for him for until the last train. This story became a symbol eternal loyalty & friendship...
       {Hachi died on March 8,1935.}
             [In Memeory of ReaL Hachiko]
                  11.10.1923 - 3.8.1935

Thursday, August 26, 2010

This few days ReaLLy unhappy

UnHappy : Reason: sick, some arguement with xxx,xxx,xxx(someone,someone,only someone else), missing someOne, feels trouble on my study...
Haa.. In fact, not so pay attention to my studies=P.. But don't knw why I will keep feeling troubled..
少女心事: haa.. yea~! This troubles mE~! AgreE huh?. Hey!  NOT tat~ 'period' >~< ar duih~~.. hahaa.. I have a LoT of mind...(心事 Z)=) 是不是这个期间就是要经历这些呢?! 能摆脱吗?...


1st time to blogging.XP. & I'm ready to SHARE about my frame of mind right now..
CRazieR.. 有点像述说着我的心情,因为总是..... 想念着你??..  Blar blaR bLaR~~!!...
Like I said : confusing right noW~~!! I'm not sure, of course don't dare to identify iT~! My feeL~.. Am I really like you?.. NO~! I CAN'T..! We're good friend, I won't hurt our friendship.. I will only standing aside and watching you.. sometimes sms just would reply me a 'thx'.. but at least better than no rply!=)..
I'm wishin you here.. Have a healthy body!!
haa..~ YoU maKe mE CRaziER~~~